Sunday, August 23, 2015

What To Do If The Public Toilet Is Dirty

1) Dont freak out (even though you really need to go to the toilet)

2) Take a (wet) tissue or wet them your self, Wipe down the Toilet rim.

3) After wiping ,Spray some Toilet Seat Sanitizer or use the holy seat

4) What if you don't have any of those around? Still don't freak out yet.

5) Take some tissues,wet them with soap and water. Then you clean the toilet and make sure to dry it with tissues.

6) Now you can pee/poo in peace.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How To Clean Your Toilet

Here is how you can clean your Toilet:

1) Spray your toilet with the all-purpose cleaner from top to bottom

2) Add the toilet bowl cleaner into the bowl. 

3)Begin wiping the toilet bowl clean, literally re-tracing your steps from step 1.

4) Take your cleaning toothbrush and spray it with a little bit of all-purpose cleaner. 

5) With your toilet bowl brush in hand, start to scrub under the rim 

6) DONE!! Hold the brush in the toilet and flush.

Independence Day

In 17th of August I celebrated by looking at people play some traditional games such as: Lomba Karung,Tarik Tambang and more.
I didn't join because I always lose when I play these kinds of games.I then go back home and get ready to go to Taman Mini and see how the celebrate Independence Day. 

They celebrated by having Indonesian Traditional Dancers dancing. They also have some Indonesian food at 12:00.

Friday, August 14, 2015

tbh we should make all toilet seats clean and smell good. ok

Sparkly Santa Hat Ice Cream